Tuesday, October 03, 2006


So, we flew into Banjul last week... we're staying at this little place run by a Catholic mission, with dorms and a cafeteria and a huge mango tree that everyone sits under to have "sessions".. There are 25 of us, 13 guys, 12 girls... all very very cool, like surprisingly cool. It's been good fun getting to know each other... there is Gambian whisky, cards, and Ipods with speakers involved.

We have 2 older volunteers here with us, Kelley and Kelley actually one boy one girl, their rad and very helpful answering all our questions. Our days go like this:

Wake up, breakfast at 8- that's corn flakes or outmeal with pineapple jelly and Nescafe.
Language Session- my language is woolof. there are only four of us learning woolf, all the rest are mandinka or fula.
Tea break- spam or fish sandwiches, "digestive cookies" yum.
Language session, or immunizations, or cultural sessions led by one of 8 of our rad Gambian teachers. they are so funny, beautiful and cool people.
Lunch- some meat, rice or coos, some veggies.
More sessions.
Hanging out with the crew.
Take a cold shower so that you sleep... not that there's hot water!

Yesterday we got to go to the beach, which was exactly like Atlantic coasts beaches except there were Gambians everywhere... "bumsters" are young Gambian men who run around excercising in front of you and offering to be your guide/ escort. We had Julbrew, the local beer, collected shells, played some ultimate frisbee.

Today we went to the market, which is HUGE, like a million times bigger than the Guatemalan market, approx. It was just the coolest experience, just craziness... I busted out my few Woolof phrases and bought some cola nuts, which are just these wierd things that are very important in the culture. Next week, I'll go with my other PCV's who are speaking Wolof out to a tiny training village called in the south, with our wollof techer, haddi sou. After a week there, we spend a week with the rest of the crew at ten da ba...

Anyway, I won't have much time on the internet for awhile, so sorry about the crap quality of this post, but i just wanted to give a little info to everyone.

It's really hot and humid, but there are beautiful tropical plants everywhere as a tradeoff. The culture here is so neat, crazily different. I will be writing and sending letters soon... I'm having a great time needless to say, I'm just thrilled and totally excited. I really miss everyone, esp. my sis, my mom, bro and my cat. I love eveyrone and will be in touch!!


Kerri said...

Hey Sweetie- what a wonderful message you've posted. I feel like I'm right there experiences it all with you. I'm so glad you've got good people to work with and it will be even better once you're at your location. I'll have to look up the language on Google and let you know what I find out about it. You'll probably know more than me! I got on Google Earth yesterday and checked out the Gambia and it was increcible. I could see the chairs on the beach in one part but most of it was empty. I also saw the huge river that cuts through the middle of the country. I looked for you but couldn't find you. You need to look up every once in a while and wave. :) All's well here. No new news with Woody but I'm feeling fine about being at the house. I'll let you know what happens with that. Mario says mewooooo and wonders where you are but he's okay. I love the blog and can't wait to hear from you again. I talked with Allison yesterday (she just got back from the back country) and she had a really good week. Also talked with Drew. He's sounding pretty swamped with school but they are leaving this weekend for Nova Scotia, Canada for a few days for a wedding. Gee!! I go to Asheville and I feel as thought I've been somewhere! Well take care and remember I miss you and love you tons and tons. Keep in touch sweetie. <3 (sideways heart), Mom

Greenphoenix said...


Well, that sounds great. I'm going to Google Earth "The Gambia", ala what Mom did, so wave to the spy satellites...we're off to Nova Scotia tomorrow for a wedding...

My address:

415 E 300 N
Logan, UT 84321

Keep posting here whenever you get the chance, and I'll think of you whenever I look towards the rising sun...



Kevbotzilla said...

hey love.. i check this damn thing every couple of days.. i even got a gmail account so i can join your international gang.. haha so im glad to hear things are going well.. on the 18th i will be going to chicago to hang out with eric.. im driving with j-ho and then im taking a $100 plane flight from chi-town to pdx.. i also even get to go to medieval times and get served grog by wenches while i watch the black night battle to the death.. u are so jealous.. you crazy jet set broad.. ;-) so go check my myspace and look at my pictures and captions.. i poached one of ur pictures of us.. yesssss (with the fist pump).. truth be told i effin miss u.. hopefully you have already been scoping out the spear selection.. xoxoxoxo.. stay safe.. drink a lil extra whiskey for me..

PS if u can't find a spear rad enough then gambian booze will do.. or some bobble head figurine.. whatever.. i guess i'll just have to remember in two years to remind you.. hahahaha im ridiculous.. miss me.. peace out

gato&spoons said...

ahh, sis, i can't even begin to imagine all that you are experiencing! how awesome. wow, you totally deserve to be doing this because of all of the sacrifices you have made over the past 2 years so that i could go on with my life as it was. You are incredible and I know that you are going to be doing such good things and influencing people in all capacities. I miss you so much, and find myself daily wishing i could just pick up the phone and call you just to say hi. There is really no new news with me. You, Haley and Kyle are all in Africa and that is crazy. wish i was there with you. Love you SO MUCH and sometime i want you to bust out some woolof!

Unknown said...

Hey babe sounds like everything is really great... im so happy that you are having a good time and that all the people are cool. you are going to be doing so many awesome things over the next little bit and im so jealous. i wish i could be out there again with you. our travels were special to me and i hope your new travels are just as fullfilling. have fun and be safe. i miss you and love you very much.


Kerri said...

Morning Steph,

You have been constantly on my mind and I can't wait to hear from you again. All's well in NC and the fall is beautiful! The days are cooler, shorter, and a hint of winter lingers in the evenings into the early morn. The leaves are all changing and the trails are covered in dry crunchy leaves of every color that have fallen to the ground. It's really beautiful. I went to the John C. Campbell Folk school last weekend for their fall festival and craft fair. It was wonderful - as usual. Mario says hello and wants me to tell you he misses you but he's doing okay. Jasper has finally emerged from under the chair and Heidi and Sadie are enjoying the cooler weather on our walks. So, things are good and quiet as we fall into the winter stillness. I can't wait to hear all about what you you're doing, the places you've seen, and the people you are meeting. I hope you are able to take lots of pictures and perhaps doing some sketching along the way. I know you will write when you can and I can't wait. Always remember that you are so missed and deeply loved by all that you have touched. Be safe, be happy, and travel well. I love you so much. Madre

davey said...


K, so I can't match the wit or wisdom of all these people, thus, I shall keep this short, and possibly sweet. I'll trade you a postcard for some freeze-dried vegetables. You send the postcard, I'll send the vegetables.

407 E 38th St
Austin, TX

Oh, and I checked the surf reports for West Africa, and it's gonna be firing in Dakar this weekend. So catch a push cart up there and lemme know how it goes.

Take care and all that jazz,

Kerri said...

Hi Steph,

Naka nga def? Lu bess? So, you see I've been doing a little Wolof homework on my own. :)

I'm just checking in to see how things are going for you. It's so hard not being able to talk with you. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures and your thoughts.

All's well here in NC. The fall is beautiful and the cooler weather is coming our way. I'm not really ready for it but I know it will be nice once it's hear. Denver is supposed to be getting up to 8 inches of snow today. Brrr and I know it will be headed our way.

I know you wondering about the World Series (right??) well it's Saint Louis and Detroit this year. The Mets (Avram's team) didn't make it but the games are still fun to watch.

Not too much else is going on in this sleepy little town. I may try to go to Asheville this weekend and see Ron and Jody. I haven't seen them since you left and I wouldn't mind the drive along the parkway into Asheville. We'll see.

Well, ba beneen and write when you can. Be smart, be safe, and have fun.

Bunches of love, Madre